p a t i e n t  a d v o c a c y

As patients are at the focus of our work, the GISTT Summit will involve patient advocacies from around the globe. 

Some of them are:

"Our mission is to ensure the survival of GIST patients and to assist patients and caregivers in maximizing the quality of their lives.

Our group provides a “virtual home” where GIST patients can find emotional support from their peers and learn more about how to live with GIST."


The GIST Cancer Research Fund is a U.S. organization comprised of either actual GIST patients or caregivers with family members who currently live with or succumbed to the cancer, on the Board of Directors and managing the organization. GCRF’s foundress, Tania Stutman, proudly celebrates life as a GIST patient and is Chairperson of the fund. All the members of GCRF are literally fighting for their lives. 


The GIST Cancer Research Fund has committed itself to support the GIST Cancer Team of Doctors, Researchers and Nurses who have dedicated their lives to the treatment and cure of this deadly cancer. We have raised, through walks and fundraisers, over $14 million dollars for GIST Cancer Research and every single penny goes to this research. Affiliations with the following hospitals and cancer research centers make it possible to treat and change many GIST patients’ lives.

United States of America

The Life Raft Group is committed to enhancing the survival and quality of life for people living with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), and other rare diseases, through patient-powered research, education and empowerment, and global advocacy efforts. Our vision is to empower a future fueled by data, guiding our journey toward cures for rare diseases.


United States of America