P o s t e r c o r n e r

Please find the official call for posters as well as our official poster template ready for download below.

We are encouraging every participant to use this opportunity to present a project. The poster session committee will preview the submitted posters to select fitting projects to be presented within one of our main sessions.  


Please upload your poster using the Upload link on the bottom of the page by September 9th 2024.

If your poster has been picked for a short presentation, you will be informed shortly after the upload deadline. 



All posters that are submitted will be printed by us and ready for you at the venue so you can travel more conveniently.



Call for Posters
GISTT Summit 2024 - Call for posters.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 530.9 KB
GISTT Summit - Poster template
GISTT SUMMIT poster template FINAL.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 83.4 KB

p o s t e r u p l o a d

 Click the link to the right to upload your poster for the GISTT Summit. You will be guided to our cloud service.


You can drag&drop your file or click "Hochladen" to choose a file from your folder.